lørdag 18. juni 2016

Why did the Orlando massacre affect me, a heterosexual male, so much?

Why did the Orlando massacre affect me, a heterosexual male, so much?

The last days have been so much sadness, thoughts, anger, frustration. My social media feed is full of stories, feelings, sadness.
I am a heterosexual man, married to a heterosexual woman. I talk to my wife about what has happened, and we feel the same. We feel like our family was attacked.

Because yes, we may be heterosexual.
But our connection to the "straight" world appears to end there.
We feel alienated to this world. We struggle with understanding the priorities, the need to fit a given mold. We fail to understand the growing need to "normalize" genders, to group certain things as feminine and certain things as masculine, to understand the growing fear of not fitting in those stereotypes.

We just want to be a place where people are accepted for who they are, no matter what the differences may be.

We belong to a group that has a different mindset. We are in a subculture referred to as furries. This is a group not determined by sexuality, yet with a large portion of it being gay and bi. Many are trans. We have more gay and bi friends than straight.
By my sexuality, I may belong to the most "normal" group there is. By my heart, I do not belong to that group. I do not pick gay and bi friends to "show my support". Not just to be an "ally". I never ever feel like the "straight person", with his "gay friends".
I picked my friends based on who I feel close to, feel safe with. My friends are just my friends, I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends. We are like one big family.
In this group, of all, I feel I can be myself. In this group, I don't feel judged. In this group, I feel a love, a kindness, an understanding, that seem so alien to most "straight groups".
I am not a straight person that has learned to accept that people are queer. I am a part of a group where being so is as normal and natural as anything else.

You "normal straight people" may have difficult understanding just how damn lucky I feel to be in this group.
So when the shooter went and killed so many in the gay nightclub in Orlando, I am not upset to show my support. I am not only sad because he killed a group of people that we should accept.
I feel like he murdered my family members.
I feel the pride is about love, openness, understanding, tolerance.
Why should I want to be anywhere else, than with people that have taken this to heart?

So, dear straight people. If you "do not mind that people are gay", take that to heart. It means to honestly not care if others were to think you were gay. If you ever did not do something, worrying that people could misinterpret your sexuality, you mind. Don't.

Go to the pride. Don't just show your support. Show that you truly, honesty do not care, in one way or another, who people love, who people kiss, what people are. Try not only to accept others. Try to accept yourself.

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